by Christopher Waugh | Sep 30, 2014 | Featured
Welcome to your new Year 10 class. Your first GCSE year can be daunting, learning has quite suddenly got very 'real' and a lot of what you do in class, and the assessments that you sit, may echo through future years in your life - but at the same time Year 10 English...
by Christopher Waugh | Sep 29, 2014 | Analytical Writing, Assessment, Assessment Specifications, Creative Writing, Creative Writing Coursework, Epistolary Writing, Essay Writing, Featured, Homework, Non-Fiction Reading, Reading, Resources, Spoken Language Study, Writing
Coursework Component 3: Bare Vexed Bare Vexed Last Homework Homework: Riffing on Style Sep 9, 2015We have been experimenting with the process of modifying the style of what started as a very simple seven sentence narrative. Your task now is to write two paragraphs...
by Christopher Waugh | Sep 24, 2014 | Analytical Writing, Assessment, Creative Writing Coursework, Featured, Resources, Whiteboards, Writing
Now that we've spent time analysing spoken and text conversations and discussing, at length, the effects, benefits and challenges posed by the variations people make to their spoken communication, it's time to begin to formulate some theories on the matter. This is a...
by Christopher Waugh | Sep 15, 2014 | Analytical Writing, Assessment, Creative Writing Coursework, Homework, Transcript, Whiteboards
Tonight's homework task is to complete the annotation of this spoken language transcript - using the list of spoken language features attached below to correctly classify each variation from standard written English. Spoken Language Glossary
by Christopher Waugh | Sep 12, 2014 | Assessment, Featured, Resources, Spoken Language Study, Transcription, Video
Today we will be exploring live spoken conversation – and generating our own transcripts. Watch this short video excerpt (from the film “FIT”) and try to write your own transcript of the conversation. SAMPLE TRANSCRIPT: Download (PDF,...